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September 01, 2009

Ordination celebration, Part 2

All of these pictures are by Emma Heiser Simonetti . (Thanks, Emma!)

After the skit, I gave a bit of a speech, some of which Emma Simonetti captured on video:

(Okay, so I tried and tried to get the video to upload, but apparently am not geeky enough to figure it out.)
After the speech, Tamar said a few lovely things, and Matt and Mary Jane Odhner gave me a gift.....

A black sheep in a red stole!

How perfect.

No one from my family of origin came.

But 24 wonderful people filled the house and sang to me, with many more folks sending good wishes and regrets that they couldn't attend.

It was a lovely evening.

I've also got video of the ordination itself, which some people watched at the party. I'm trying to figue out how to upload it so more folks can see it.

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