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December 23, 2005

Dream Two

I had another dream a few weeks ago.

It was a continuance of the last dream. I was married to that very rich son of the influential minister. But I'm living with my parents. My lesbian sister is moving in too. My mom is talking about skin---about clear, unblemished skin, and how to treat acne so as not to have it. My sister has a locket similar to mine, and wants to trade.

I want to talk about the "big pink elephants" in the room, and don't know where to begin. The more my sister and I try to conform to our parent's ideas of who we should be, the more pleased my parents are, but the less "real" we are. Actually, it's mostly my mom. My dad is hovering somewhere in the background. But it's my mom's face I am reading. Trying to find approval, and not finding it.

My sister gets smiles and pats, so long as she looks like she's playing the game. So, if she's leaving her life partner of over 15 years to move in with her parents, this is good. If I were to leave my husband, this would be bad.

I'm pondering the double standard.

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