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February 09, 2007


"For such a beastly month as February, twenty eight days as a rule, are PLENTY."

It is grey and it is cold and everyone is sick and tired.

Some classes have been reduced by a third, by all the students who are ill or can't make the drive because of the weather.


My inner squirrel is kicking in. I want to HIBERNATE. I want to spend all my days curled up under my blankets sleeping, until it gets warm and sunny again.

I have decided to withdraw from my CPE this spring. I simply can't manage Israel and Convention and moving and CPE, much as I'd like to. I'd feel very relieved if I wasn't so tired.
Everything is dry and grey and filmy and mucky. All projects feel overwhelming.
February is just February! I can't choose not to let it get to me. It simply does.
Ah well. This too, shall pass.
This is what it looks like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

proverbs 3--1to6